Interpretative optimization of the isocratic ion chromatographic separation of anions

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Žaklina N. Todorović
Ljubinka V. Rajaković
Antonije E. Onjia


Interpretive retention modeling was utilized to optimize the isocratic ion chromatographic (IC) separation of the nine anions (formate, fluoride, chloride, nitrite, bromide, nitrate, phosphate, sulfate and oxalate). The carbonate-bicarbonate eluent was used and separation was done on a Dionex AS14 ion-exchange column. The influence of combined effects of two mobile phase factors, the total eluent concentration (2–6 mM) and the carbonate/bicar­onate ratio from 1:9 to 9:1 (which correspond to pH range 9.35–11.27), on the IC separation was studied. The multiple species analyte/eluent model that takes into account ion-exchange equilibria of the eluent and sample anions was used. In order to estimate the parameters in the model, a non-linear fitting of the retention data, obtained at two-factor three-level experimental design, was applied. To find the optimal conditions in the experimental design, the nor­mal­ized resolution product as a chromatographic objective function was employed. This criterion includes both the individual peak resolution and the total analysis time. A good agreement between experimental and simulated chromatograms was obtained.


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How to Cite
Žaklina N. Todorović, L. V. Rajaković, and A. E. Onjia, “Interpretative optimization of the isocratic ion chromatographic separation of anions”, J. Serb. Chem. Soc., vol. 81, no. 6, pp. 661–672, Jul. 2016.
Analytical Chemistry

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