Internet pages for asynchronous online and face-to-face learning about solutions and dissolution Scientific paper

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Lidija R. Ralević
Biljana I. Tomašević
Dragica D. Trivic


In the last decades online communication has become an important part of the realization of the educational process. In the conditions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic it has become particularly significant since in most cases it was necessary to switch to some forms of online teaching-learning. This paper presents the results of a research study conducted as a pedagogical experiment with parallel groups. The aim of this research study was to compare the effects of the application of internet pages for independent online asyn­chronous learning outside the school environment (group A) and face-to-face learning realized by a teacher at school (group B). The content of the internet pages was created in order to enable the acquisition of the concepts of solutions and dissolution. The effects of the approaches applied were studied based on the student achievement in a post-test (immediately upon learning about the concepts of solutions and dissolution) and in a delayed post-test (a year after the acquisition of these con­cepts). The participants in this research study were 187 primary school students, who participated in the pedagogical experiment when they were in the seventh grade, while they were in the eighth grade when they did the delayed post-test. The results showed that there was not a statis­tically significant difference between the overall achievements of the students who learnt about the concepts of solutions and dissolution by independent asynchronous online learning and face-to-face learning at school. This implies that the similar results can be achieved with asynchronous online learning as with face-to-face learning when the conditions do not allow school-based eduion.  


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L. Ralevic, B. Tomasevic, and D. Trivić, “Internet pages for asynchronous online and face-to-face learning about solutions and dissolution: Scientific paper”, J. Serb. Chem. Soc., vol. 87, no. 4, pp. 531–543, Oct. 2021.
History of & Education in Chemistry

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