Potentially toxic elements in pikeperch (Sander lucioperca L.) from the Gruža reservoir: Health risk assessment related to fish consumption by the general population and fishermen Scientific paper
Main Article Content
The aim was to evaluate concentrations of 14 potentially toxic elements in three tissues (muscle, liver, and gills) of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) and to assess health risk (the potential non-cancerogenic – Total target hazard quotient (TTHQ) and cancerogenic – Target carcinogenic risk factor (TR) health risk) associated with the consumption of pikeperch from the Gruža Reservoir by the general population and fishermen. A value of Fulton’s condition factor (CF) of less than one in our study indicated the poor general health of pikeperch. According to metal pollution index (MPI), the liver was exposed to the highest pressure of metal pollution. Levels of elements were lower than the national levels and international threshold levels, thus suggested a very likely absence of contamination risk of fish with elements in the Gruža Reservoir. Higher TTHQ was observed for fishermen (0.25) compared to the general population (0.20). Higher value of TR for As compared to TR for Pb was detected, both for the general population and for fishermen. In general, there was no risk to human health from pikeperch consumption, but fishermen were at slightly higher health risk to develop cancer if they consume pikeperch meat compared to the general population.
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Funding data
Ministarstvo Prosvete, Nauke i Tehnološkog Razvoja
Grant numbers 451-03-47/2023-01/200378
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