Chemical applicability of Sombor indices Survey

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Izudin Redžepović


Recently, a novel class of degree-based topological molecular des­criptors was proposed, the so-called Sombor indices. Within this study, the predictive and discriminative potentials of the Sombor index, the reduced Sombor index, and the average Sombor index were examined. All three topo­logical molecular descriptors showed good predictive potential. The statistical data indicate that the reduced Sombor index preforms with a slightly better predictive potential. An external validation confirmed this finding. It was found that these degree-based indices exert modest discriminative potential, when tested on a large group of isomers.


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How to Cite
I. Redžepović, “Chemical applicability of Sombor indices : Survey”, J. Serb. Chem. Soc., vol. 86, no. 5, pp. 445–457, Jun. 2021.


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