Cadmium and lead flow analysis as a decisions support data for waste management Scientific paper

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Nikolina Tošić
Marko Muhadinović
Miljan Šunjević
Ilija Ćosić
Nemanja Stanisavljević


Striving for EU membership, the Republic of Serbia must adjust its waste management practices to comply with EU directives, including targets to reduce biodegradable waste disposal in landfills, as outlined in its Waste Man­agement Program 2022–2031. Cadmium and lead, two highly toxic heavy metals, that are present in municipal solid waste, can pose high environmental and human health threats if not properly managed. The research evaluates how different technologies for biodegradable waste treatment influence the trans­formation of cadmium and lead flows through waste management systems. Hence, two waste management scenarios were modelled and developed for the Republic of Serbia, where the flows of cadmium and lead are monitored. The results indicate the differences between quantities and concentrations of cad­mium and lead emitted in environmental media, thus confirming the various impacts of different waste technologies on achieving the vital goal of waste management – protection of the human health and the environment. The res­earch concludes the crucial role of the versatile approach, where the quality of waste management outputs is highlighted.


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How to Cite
N. Tošić, M. Muhadinović, M. Šunjević, I. Ćosić, and N. Stanisavljević, “Cadmium and lead flow analysis as a decisions support data for waste management: Scientific paper”, J. Serb. Chem. Soc., vol. 89, no. 5, pp. 715–727, May 2024.
15 years of Professor Emeritus UNS


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