Electrodeposition of aluminum-doped thin silicon films from a KF–KCl–KI–K2SiF6–AlF3 melt Scientific paper

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Michael V. Laptev
Anastasia O. Khudorozhkova
Andrey Isakov
Olga V. Grishenkova
Sergey I. Zhuk
Yurii P. Zaikov


The regularities of silicon and aluminum co-deposition on glassy car­bon from KF–KCl (2:1)–75 mol % KI–0.15 mol % K2SiF6–(up to 0.15 mol %) AlF3 melts at 998 K were studied by cyclic voltammetry, chronoam­pero­metry, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy and Raman spectro­scopy. The cyclic voltammograms demonstrated the presence of only one cath­odic peak (or nucleation loop at a low reverse potential) and the corresponding anodic peak. The cathodic peak shifted in the cathodic direction with decreas­ing concentration of aluminum ions in the melt or with increasing scan rate. The Scharifker–Hills model was used to analyze potentiostatic current density transients and estimate the values of the apparent diffusion coefficient and the number density of nuclei. The morphology and elemental analysis of the samples obtained during potentiostatic and galvanostatic deposition for 30–60 s were studied. Continuous thin silicon films doped with aluminum were obtained under galvanostatic conditions.


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How to Cite
M. V. Laptev, A. O. Khudorozhkova, A. Isakov, O. V. Grishenkova, S. I. Zhuk, and Y. P. Zaikov, “Electrodeposition of aluminum-doped thin silicon films from a KF–KCl–KI–K2SiF6–AlF3 melt: Scientific paper”, J. Serb. Chem. Soc., vol. 86, no. 11, pp. 1075–1087, Nov. 2021.
Author Biographies

Andrey Isakov, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry, 20 Academicheskaya St., 620137 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation

Lab of electrocrystallization and high-temperature electroplating

Head of Lab

Sergey I. Zhuk, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry, 20 Academicheskaya St., 620137 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation

Lab of electrocrystallization and high-temperature electroplating   Reseacher


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