Soil organic carbon stock variation with climate and land use in shale derived soils

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Ayaz Mehmood
Mohammad Akhtar
Shah Rukh
Muhammad Imran
Asma Hasan
Kashif Abbasi
Abdul Qayyum
Talat Mahmood
Waseem Ahmed
Khuram Shahzad
Ayub Khan
Zahoor Ahmad


Anthropogenic activities, urbanization and industrialization cause an increase in the atmospheric carbon dioxide. Current focus of the soil scientists and the environmentalists is to quantify the carbon stocks and its flow in the agroecological system which is one of the main causes of global warming and climate change. The information on the distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in the soil profiles in relation with changing climate is barely sufficient. Objective of this study was to quantify the effect of climate and land on the equilibrium of SOC stocks in soil profiles with development. Murree soil series (Typic Hapludolls) in humid climate and under coniferous forest, and Tirnul soil series (Typic Haplustepts) in semiarid climate under cultivation, were selected. Triplicate soil profiles were selected for each of the soils and sampled at genetic horizons level. Cumulative SOC stocks in Typic Hapludolls soil profiles (95 Mg ha-1) were significantly greater than Typic Haplustepts (30 Mg ha-1). The Typic Hapludolls had significantly greater SOC stock at each horizon level under humid climate. This research concludes that soils under forest and humid climate had higher SOC stocks as compared to the soils under semiarid climate and cultivation. 


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A. Mehmood, “Soil organic carbon stock variation with climate and land use in shale derived soils”, J. Serb. Chem. Soc., vol. 83, no. 6, pp. 785–793, Jul. 2018.
Environmental Chemistry


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