Influence of the aerosol flow and exposure time on the structural changes in the filtering half masks material

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Negovan Ivanković
Dušan Rajić
Radovan Karkalić
Dušan Janković
Željko Radovanović
Stevan Stupar
Darko Janković


The flow of air and aerosol particles through the filtering half masks material depends on the structure porosity. It is very difficult to determine the behaviour of the filtering material during the process of extraction and ret­ention of aerosols. The samples of five filtering half mask models were used in this investigation. Dynamics of the aerosol filtration through the filtering mat­erials was tested using a method for testing the leakage of aerosol particles through the filtering material and a method for testing the inhalation resistance of filtering material, both specified in the SRPS EN 149:2013. Recording of the structural changes in the samples of the tested materials was carried out by the technique of scanning electron microscopy. The experiments showed a devi­ation of the results in relation to the theory of filtration the finely dispersed submicron sized particles. It was concluded that the aerosol leakage through the filtering half masks and their resistance to aerosol flow change depend on the aerosol flow rates and the on filtration process duration, as a direct con­se­quence of the newly-made changes in the structure of the filtering material and due to reversibility effect between the filtration process and the changes in the filtering material.



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How to Cite
N. Ivanković, “Influence of the aerosol flow and exposure time on the structural changes in the filtering half masks material”, J. Serb. Chem. Soc., vol. 83, no. 4, pp. 463–471, Apr. 2018.


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