Bioremediation of river sediment polluted with polychlorinated biphenyls: A laboratory study Scientific paper

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Aleksandra Žerađanin
Kristina Joksimović
Jelena Avdalović
Gordana Gojgić-Cvijović
Nakano Takeshi
Srđan Miletić
Mila Ilić
Vladimir Beškoski


Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are lipophilic, constant and bio­accumulative toxic compounds. In general, they are considered resistant to bio­logical, photolytic, and chemical degradation with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) belonging to these chemicals. PCBs were never produced in Serbia, but they were imported and mainly used in electrical equipment, transformers, and capacitors. Our study aimed to analyse sequential multi-stage aerobic/anaerobic microbial biodegradation of PCBs present in the river sediment from the area known for long-term pollution with these chemicals. The study with an auto­chthonous natural microbial community (NMC model system) and NMC aug­mented with allochthonous hydrocarbon-degrading (AHD) microorganisms (iso­lated from location contaminated with petroleum products) (NMC-AHD model system) was performed in order to estimate the potential of these microorganisms for possible use in future bioremediation treatment of these sites. The laboratory biodegradation study lasted 70 days, after which an overall >33 % reduction in the concentration of total PCBs was observed. This study confirmed the strong potential of the NMC for the reduction of the level of PCBs in the river sediment under alternating multi-stage aerobic/anaerobic conditions.


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How to Cite
A. Žerađanin, “Bioremediation of river sediment polluted with polychlorinated biphenyls: A laboratory study: Scientific paper”, J. Serb. Chem. Soc., vol. 87, no. 1, pp. 95–107, Jan. 2022.
In Memoriam Issue Devoted to Prof. Petar Pfendt


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