Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society - JSCS has been published continuously for 91 years,
one volume per year, consisting of 12 monthly issues, by the Serbian Chemical Society.

The Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society - JSCS  (formerly Glasnik Hemijskog društva Beograd) publishes articles original papers that have not been published previously, from the fields of fundamental and applied chemistry:

Theoretical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Food Chemistry, Technology and Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry, Polymers, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Spectroscopy, Electrochemistry, Thermodynamics, Chemical Engineering, Textile Engineering, Materials, Ceramics, Metallurgy, Geochemistry, Environmental Chemistry, History of and Education in Chemistry.

Online ISSN: 1820-7421    Print ISSN: 0352-5139

JSCS is an Open Access journal
with no Article Processing Charge

Journal abbreviation:
J. Serb. Chem. Soc.


New Policies


JSCS introduced three new policies:

Research Data Policy, PrePrint Policy & ORCID

We encourage authors to use the new features they make possible!

IF & SCOPUS CiteScor


On June 30, 2022 new Impact Factors were published
JSCS has reached the Impact Factor of 1.100 (153 of 179 journals - Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

On May 02, 2022 new SCOPUS CiteScor was published
JSCS has reached the Cite Score of 1.837 (244 of 409 journals - General Chemistry)

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Vol. 90 No. 1 (2025)

Published: 08.02.2025

Analytical method development and validation of antifungal drugs in updated ointment formulation using UV spectroscopy and RP-HPLC

Scientific paper

Rethina Karuppiahya, Suba Geetha Arunachalam, Saravanan Venkattapuram Sampath, Sambathkumar Ramanathan, Ananda Thangadurai Subramaniam, Ravikumar Rramaswamy, Anuprincy Paulmurugan, Jambulingam M. Munusamy


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